CSTS Internal Online Training Notes


我想许多企业内部都会有各种各样不同的培训,虽然现在许多培训受人诟病,但应该说,是个培训就会有值得我们学习的东西,起码我现在是这么认为的。前阵子CSTS内部催促完成上一年度剩余的online training, 一下子头上压上4,5个培训,还真不是啥好滋味。 当我津津有味地, 慢条斯理的开始第一个培训的时候,别人已经催促我直接做quiz来快速结束这些培训课程了。


writing for business conclusion

  1. first rule : keep it short, concise
  2. bottom line on top rule (BLOT)
    • put your important words on top for impact
1-scope your project/topic
2-materials put-together strategy
  2.1 order of importance method
  2.2 timeline 
  2.3 compare and contrasts method
  2.4 specific to general and general to specific method
3-draft method
  3.1 traditional draft
  3.2 mindstorm
  3.3 free writing

forcusing on your customer

It takes months, even years to find a customer…and only seconds to lose one.

                                                            ---customer 101

3R-Retention,Related Sales and Referrals

Targeting the Right Customers

understand the lifetime value of your customer

Using the service profit chain to build customer loyalty and profitability

All the smiles can’t help you if your product or service is not what the customer wants.

the Service Profit Chain

employee capacity -> service quality -> customer satisfication

Building Employee Capability

Select for attitude, train for skills

Knowing the Customer

  • Get customer feedback
  • Observing the customer

Delivering Value

Customer Value Equation

                          (Results + Process Quality)  
Customer Value =   -----------------------------------------
                        (Prices + Customer Access Costs) 

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「福强私学」, 一部沉淀了个人成长、技术与架构、组织与管理以及商业上的方法与心法的百科全书。

