
本来想执行我Object As Configuration的理念, 不过google group上有人推荐我看看configgy, 看过之后, 觉得还是自己写一个简单些, So 马上动手…


ident = value
groupId = {
 ident1 = value1
 ident2 = value2


定义一个Scala的Parser combinator如下:

class BlockOrItemConfigurationParser extends JavaTokenParsers {

  def entry = ((item | block) +) ^^ {
    _.foldLeft(Map[String, Any]()) {
      (accum, i) =>
        i._2 match {
          case lst: List[(String, Any)] => accum ++ lst.foldLeft(Map[String, Any]()) {
            (ac, it) =>
              ac + ((i._1 + "." + it._1) -> it._2)
          case x => accum + (i._1 -> x)

  def block = ident ~ "=" ~ "{" ~ rep(item) ~ "}" ^^ {
    case k ~ "=" ~ "{" ~ v ~ "}" => (k -> v)

  def item = ident ~ ("=" | ":") ~ value <~ opt(";") ^^ {
    case k ~ _ ~ v => (k -> v)

  def value = stringLit | decimalNumber | floatingPointNumber | booleanLiteral | nullLiteral

  def stringLit = "\"" ~> string <~ "\"" ^^ {
    case s => s

  def string = ("""([^"\p{Cntrl}\\]|\\[\\/bfnrt]|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})*""").r

  def booleanLiteral = "true" ^^^ true | "false" ^^^ false

  def nullLiteral = "null" ^^^ null

代码写的有点儿矬, 将就看吧,呵呵, 本来用的JavaTokenParsers.stringLiteral, 但后来发现他没有去掉引号”, 所以,只能自己重新定义一个, 当然,代码直接拷贝它的。

有了parser之后, 就可以定义一个Configurator,比如:

class SimpleConfigurator(configFile:File) {
   val p = new BlockOrItemConfigurationParser
   p.parseAll(p.entry, new CharSeqReader(FileUtils.readFileToString(configFile))) match{
        case p.Success(r, in)=> // use r to get parsed result and feed your program, hehe 
        case x=> throw new Exception("parse error:"+x)

OK, That’s it!Have Fun!

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